Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What was wrong with Walt Disney??

Since I shall be, for the foreseeable future, surrounded by estrogen (I have a wife and two daughters),  I should accept the fact that cartoon princesses are cooler than Batman, Superman and the X-men all combined.  I can still get my fix through the DC Nation cartoon block every weekend, or the competing Marvel Universe block, but I spend more time with a few ponies, an assortment of rodents and water fowl, and the occasional fruity little person (can you name those cartoons?).  I also get to rewatch the Disney movies that we all have been growing up with for several decades.  And that's where we'll spend our time this post...

So, seriously, what was wrong with Walt Disney?  Snow White is a story about a witch trying to kill a little girl.  Cinderella involves child abuse. 101 Dalmatians is about a crazy woman who wants to make a coat out of puppies. Wall-e, the dangers of pollution and mega-consumerism. Aladdin has thievery and lies.  Alice in Wonderland has smoking and drugs (that's an easy leap to make).  Tarzan starts the first few minutes with the murder of his parents. Beauty & the Beast ends with murder.  And everyone knows what happens to Bambi's mom and Simba's dad.  So the question remains, how did someone come up with some of these ideas?  While most of the stories are taken from fairy tales or fables or folk lore, the specifics of the story came from the animators.  What kind of a crazy company comes up with this kind of stuff?

Worse than that, what kind of parents are we that we sit our little girls (or boys) in front of the TV watching these shows?  Should we make a point of calling this kind of stuff out?  Should we ignore it and hope it doesn't scar them for life?

I know i've exaggerating to a large degree, but the intent is to make a point.  Are we as parents paying attention to what goes in front of our kids?  Disney could be the gateway drug to all kinds of crazy things that parents aren't paying attention to.

ok...end soap box.

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