Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Family, part 1

My wife & I just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary.  We met back at Sam Houston State - I was in the second year working towards my Master's degree in Forensic Science, she was in her 2nd year for her Bachelor's in English.  She tells most of the story better than I do, but I'll give it a go anyways.

The summer between my 1st and 2nd year in grad school was busy.  I spent 2 months living in an extended stay hotel interning for TABC in Austin (google it people.)  I also was recovering from a nasty breakup.  So when classes resumed, I knew 2 things - I didn't want to be sitting around my apartment alone (I'd done that all summer with my hotel room) and I didn't want a girlfriend.  So I sort of poured my energy into church stuff, helping out with the college group.  They would let me teach sunday school lessons, sang in the choir with the "old" people, led handbells and did solos,  organized visitation when folks would come visit, and I tried to get involved with the BSM - although that last one didn't really take hold.

Apparently one of those things impressed a young sophomore who was looking for a church.  She had been living with her dad, in the next town over, but struck out on her own for her sophomore year.  That striking out included finding a church home.  I honestly don't remember if I met her @ church or @ the BSM.  I do remember her sitting on the gym floor sorting pictures for some reason.  She may have been there for all the game nights we did... or the hide & seek... definitely for the giant slip n' slide, cuz I have a picture of that.  I'm fairly certain that I remember her pulling an all nighter with a small group of us, goofing off until sunrise then going to church.

So, one night, I decided to go to ihop to study, and decided I'd like her company while I was there.  I called her, someone else picked up the phone, informed me she was praying and that she would call back.  Seems I interrupted her bible study small group.  oops.  She must have really liked me to still come later to hang out.  Long story short, we ended up dating.

Fast forward a full year.  I graduated in May, and didn't have a job.  She was just starting her junior year.  I had to move home with my parents (i know how stereotypical that is).  I ended up getting a job on the other side of the state.  If we were somewhere in New England, it wouldn't be a deal.  To cross delaware is like 20 minutes or something, right?  In Texas, we were 9ish hours apart driving, or a 90 minute $200 flight.  That probably was the best thing that could have happened to us as a couple.  We learned how to communicate - not just talk, but to talk meaningfully.  I'd fly her out to see me, or i'd fly over to see her, but those trips weren't enough to sustain a relationship.  Phone calls & video chats & letters were, though.

I decided to propose to her, saved up and got an awesome ring, and planned everything out.  I asked permission from her dad (who said that it was her call), her mom (who liked me), setup the plane trip for that weekend, made restaurant reservations, and tried to come up with a cover story. It was December in Texas, so while not freezing it was a bit chilly.  We were going to go shopping, get here a new dress, then hopscotch down memory lane revisiting places we'd been at important dates during our relationship.  It's here that the plan derails.  She couldn't find clothes she liked.  I'm certain we went to 3 malls.  It took so long that none of the stuff I had planned for during the day happened.  None of them.  None.  We finally wound up with something just in time to go home & change.  We were staying @ her mom's house that weekend, and when we drove up found a small problem.  A water pipe had burst in her attic and was soaking the garage.  So, I had to deal with that, and still convince her we could go out.  The main shutoff was so old and rusted, i'm still not sure how I got it all turned off and fixed. But I did.  The future mom-in-law helped me convince soon-to-be-fiance it was alright to go to dinner, so we were soon on our way.  We went out and had a wonderful dinner, then I headed to Galveston.  I wanted to propose while standing out one of the seawall breakers that jut out into the gulf.  When we got there the sun was down, the wind was up, and the temp was dropping.  I convinced her to get out of the car - I'm not really sure how.  Money may have changed hands - and we walked out.  I started going through my little speech, telling her how much I loved her, and she kept interrupting me.  I tried to reach into my pocket but she wouldn't let go of my hands.  I may have told her to be quiet and let me talk, I'm not sure.  Anyways, I got the ring out, went down on my knee, proposed, she cried, and didn't say anything for the whole ride home as she was in a state of shock.

A year and a half later, I was able to promote to a different job that allowed me to telecommute (when you say you work from home, people look at you funny, as if you don't have a real job).  So I moved back to Houston in the Spring, in advance of our wedding.

Our wedding was @ this all inclusive place called Ashton Gardens.  Most of it's a big blur, but there are pictures out there that remind me of what happened.  I do specifically remember that the to-go bag of food the caterers packed for us couldn't have fed a toddler.  The next day we left for Vancouver, spent 2 days on the edge of canadian china town before we boarded our carnival cruise along the Alaskan coast.

Throughout our 6 years, we've had ups and downs.  Health issues involved Cushing's disease, Asthma, or my stupid toe (that's a whole post in and of itself).  Job stresses.  Moving into a house that had mold, and the landlords didn't care enough to do anything about it (and a drug dealer living and dealing across the street).  But through it all, we've endured, and still love each other - probably more now that 6 years ago.

Love ya babe.

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