Monday, July 16, 2012

Night Night time

Apparently, daddy's no good for helping the girls go to sleep.  At least, today that's the case.  Seems like our little monkey rotates through us, but still won't fall asleep the same way twice.  I'm sure there's a child psychologist out there, looking to be punched, who would say it's because we coslept with her and now she has trouble falling asleep on her own.  I think it's more likely that she takes after her dad and has stupid crazy insomnia.  If daddy can be exhausted and still not fall asleep easily, I'm sure she can suffer that as well.  Luckily tonight seems to be going well thanks to the wife.

When the monkey was a baby, she had really bad reflux.  There were countless times we'd wake up to her choking on her own spitup.  We did everything we were "supposed to, like raising the crib, modifying our feeding scheduled, putting rice cereal in the bottle, all in sequence and all simultaneously.  Nothing seemed to make it better, and the doc said she'd just grow out of it.  (Spoiler : She did just grow out of it once she started crawling and walking).  But we didn't know that at the time.  What my wife & I did know was we were both afraid we'd sleep through one of her spit aspiration episodes.  So we moved our little monkey from the crib over to our bed, and started  cosleeping.  It was easy, it made us feel better, and eventually she moved over to her own room and own bed and things were fine.  Baby #2 upset the turnip cart, and we're still recovering from that.  Maybe one day, I'll get to  sleep for more than a few hours at a time, with only 1 other person in bed with me.  Maybe that other person will be my wife :)  (just kidding honey).

And so that leaves us with tonight.  Lights out @ 8:45 as we try to reestablish our routine. Milk in a sippee.  Snack time, to make sure she's not hungry.  Then laying with her until she decides to fall asleep.  As I said, I was unsuccessful (probably understated, since at one point she was hitting me over the head with a nerf sword), so the wife is giving it a whirl.  Just means I have another point of evidence to support a post of her being a superwoman.

PS: I don't like child psychologists.  I would really punch one in the nose.

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